Thursday 3 November 2011

So why you're gone?

Few and feeble rays of light are about to come in to dissipate
shadows of the night. But the Star is still low in the sky, the
air is still blue and it enshrouds me in its cool breath.
Lying on the bed, eyes open wide as in a new born, or in a 
new death, e mind slams on me and forces me to look again at 
that image cicatrized in my memory: sepia and calm sensuality 
of who did nothing but leave a love stilla live that becomes 
my torture.
I tighten my eyesm in hope to extirpate so that my torment, 
but it penetrates and blazes my limbs and the smoke of their 
ashes prevents me from breathing.
I open my eyes again: still 5.
In a moment evertything ends, everything disappears. I’m fine. And then…
As a hand, a power enters inside my womb, it grabs and rapes 
my viscera and blood comes until my mouth like in flood. 
I savour warm purplish liqueur flowing from my lips, from 
my eyes, until in a wince inebriation of blood ends.
The hand grabs my soul, or my heart, or whatever is.
It enters inside my breast and it grips and inflicts with her 
claws icy as blades.
Consciousness of not beeing enough…

                                                                          You are more than enough

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